Spotlight on…Nichole Bathe!

Birthdate: March 17th 1995

Birth Place: Madison WI

Family: Older brother in Minneapolis, Parents in Madison, and two dog babies with my boyfriend Rob.

Personal strengths: Will joke about anything. Pretty decent cook. 

Personal weaknesses: Stubborn 

Reason for joining Northstar: Mill City was overwhelming and I wanted some training partners for marathon training.

Favorite running shoes:  Hoka cliftons

Favorite place to run:  River road in Minneapolis or any trails

Running Goals: 

  • Short-term: Qualify for Boston
  • Long-term: Run the London, Oslo, and Berlin Marathon 

Proudest Running Achievement: Finishing my first marathon last year 

Typical training week, a month or two before a major race: Run somewhere between 30-40 miles a week with a long run on the weekend.

Running idol: Gwen Jorgensen (She's a triathlete but she's from Wisconsin and she's awesome!) 

Injuries: Torn ACL and Meniscus in my right knee


  • Marathon PR: 3:27
  • Half-Marathon PR: 1:33
  • 25K PR: Never ran this!
  • 10 Mile PR: 1:09
  • 10K PR: 44:00
  • 5K PR: 18:55
  • 1 Mile PR: 5:58 - High school.....

Non-running Hobbies: I like to ski and do any outdoor activity. I also enjoy Wine and cocktails!

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