Birthdate: 06/28/1957
Birth Place: Cleveland, Ohio
Son Adam 37- locksmith in San Francisco
Granddaughter Olivia 6 1/2 years old in first grade and lives in Honolulu with her mother Javi
Husband Kevin-together 7 1/2 years and married 4 1/2 years
Sister Judy in NYC and sister Deb in MPLS, and
Mother Roz ( 98 years old ) in Mpls
Personal strengths: I work hard at whatever is on my plate- whether it is work or training or being committed to my life partner, Kevin.
I have always had a lot of energy and am efficient at getting tasks done- though as I am getting older-my energy and capacity to perform in all the arenas has diminished greatly.
I know that I need support and help to get through life, and I depend on a massage therapist, trainers at discover strength, psychologist that I use for tune ups a few times a year, friends and sadly I wish I made better use of the training plans that Brian and Rob offer. Running has had to take a back seat. You can have everything in life...just not all at once.
Personal weaknesses: I am very judgmental and often critical.
I get too anxious before races and even before training sessions.
When I am angry- I shoot and only afterwards do I point and aim...
I compare myself to others- someone wiser than me said that comparison is the thief of joy.
Reason for joining Northstar: I had been running with this group when it was under the name of MN RED. It was a sad and unfortunate blowup and I knew that the most important thing was to have people that I like as training partners. My drifting away from group runs has been due to burden of work and aging mother and trying to simplify my life and not try to do everything.

Favorite running shoes: Brooks Glycerin
Favorite place to run: So many places- depends on what I need that day -River road, river bottoms, I love running in new cities when I am at a conference or on vacation. The company is usually more important to me than the venue
Running Goals:
- Short-term: Run 3-4 times a week and do double digit runs weekly- will not happen till summer
- Long-term: Run another marathon- my last one was New York 2018- I would like to qualify for Boston again, qualify for New York again. I plan to retire in June 2022 and train decently for another marathon
Proudest Running Achievement: My first marathon was Grandmas in 2003 and I was aiming for 3:50 and a mile from the finish I asked my personal pacer-Danny Ripka if I could finally pick it up...he laughed and said go ahead and I was delighted to run hard and finish in 3:47 right before I turned 46 years old
Typical training week, a month or two before a major race: I used to train a yearly average of 50 miles a week and peak marathon training brought 60 and some 70 mile weeks. I could never do that again. I would be thrilled to run 30 miles a week and go up to 50 miles a week during marathon training.
Running idol: Desi Linden- she is scrappy
Injuries: constantly struggle with my butt- mostly I am always exhausted nowadays
- Marathon PR: 3:37:07 at TCM in 2003
- Half-Marathon PR: 1:40 at Rochester Half in 2007
- 25K PR: 2:05.21--City of Lakes 2003
- 10 Mile PR: 1:15.38 Lumberjack 2004
- 10K PR: 45:04-Victory in 2006
- 5K PR: 22:07-Race for Oramia 2007-won 100 dollars for age group 🙂
- 1 mile PR: 6:42 TC mile in 2008
Non running hobbies- down hill skiing, nordic skiing- mostly skate, needlework, cooking, gardening and reading
Anything else interesting you'd like to share? I believe that life is better shared. Mostly with a single devoted life partner. And...that person cannot supply everything- so I believe in sharing my life with running partners and friends that fill in the gaps.